welcome to Cameron House


Taking care of your loved ones is what we do best.

We approach the delivery of care on what we call “The Care Partnership” basis. Simply, this means that you and your family retain full control of how your care should be delivered. We will deliver that care following a detailed assessment, and will do so on your behalf and with your permission.

We will treat you with respect , we will maintain your dignity, and we will always try to comply with your individual wishes and preferences.

We care…

We go to great lengths to accommodate service users on an individual basis, and build very strong relationships with each service users family.

We provide…

We invest in our staff by ensuring that they have access to relevant training and development opportunities, and ensure that they are actively supported through regular individual supervision.

We support…

We are extremely transparent in all aspects of our service delivery. We actively include representatives of the service users and families in care packages, and conduct six monthly care reviews alongside them.

How we can help your loved ones…

Personal Care

Personal Care, or Residential Care as it is often known as, is care provided by trained carers rather than nurses. People who require personal care may need assistance with washing, dressing, eating and mobilising. They may need input from District Nurses and the Home would involve other professional services as necessary.

Nursing Care

Nursing Care means that the care provided is overseen by a Registered Nurse. Care may still be provided by trained carers, but there will be a Registered Nurse on duty at all times, who will be responsible for the overall provision of your individual care needs.

End of Life Care

As we approach the end of our life, we may need extra, person-centred support and care. This can be to ensure that we receive the care we need, keep us pain free and offer us the support we need.

Respite Care

Respite care is short term care that allows a carer to have a break, whilst ensuring that their loved one receives the care that they need. Respite care can be planned which allows a carer to schedule breaks, or it could be to help with an emergency.

Enquire today

Want to know more about our facilities? Activities? Or would like to arrange a view at a home near you? Then leave your details below, with a message about your enquiry. A dedicated member of the team will be in touch to help you out.

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Roseberry Care Centres is a company where people matter, and that applies to our staff as well as to the people who use our services.

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